Hebraic Directions
Several methods were used in the ancient world to
determine a direction.
The Hebrews used at least three of these
methods: basic direction, local geography and the position of the
sun. For the Hebrews, the terms north, south, east and west carried
more meanings than just simple neutral directions. They also had
other significant connotations and implications. Other directions
such as northwest and southeast were seldom used in Bible times.
The world of the Hebrews is divided into four parts, termed "the
four corners of the earth" (Isaiah 11:12; Rev. 7:1; 20:8). The basic
direction for the Hebrews is the east – from the rising of the sun.
In determining any direction, the Hebrews faces the point where they
know the sun rises each day. Thus, the east is the front, sometimes
called the place of dawning.
All other directions receive their
designations relative to the east as the front. Thus, west is the
rear, north is on the left, and south is on the right. The correct
sequence of the directions is clockwise (not crisscross) --
east-south-west-north, similar to the Chinese:

Numbers 2
- On the east side, toward the rising of the sun (verse 3)
- On the south side (verse 10)
- On the west side (verse 18)
- On the north side (verse 25)
Numbers 35:5
And you shall measure outside the city
on the east
side two thousand cubits,
on the south side two
thousand cubits,
on the west side two thousand
and on the north side two thousand cubits.
The city shall be in the middle.
This shall belong to them as
common-land for the cities.
The Hebraic word
qedem for "east" means
the front, the fore part or before.
The word "south" originated from a Hebrew
word negeb
meaning "dry country" which usually refers to
the Negev (Gen. 20:1), a dry region. Its root word meaning is to be
parched; from its drought.
The root word
for "west"
means to roar; a sea breaking in noisy surf or large body of water.
This Great Sea refers to the Mediterranean Sea.
The Hebrew word
translated as "north" came from the Hebrew
root word for "look out," which was also the name of a high mountain
in Syria. It further means properly hidden, dark, gloomy and

All the Hebraic directions (east, south, west and north) have their
special Biblical meanings only when Jerusalem, the Holy City of God,
is placed at the centre.
As the Hebrew method of affixing directions assumes that a person
is facing the sunrise, the east. The left hand of the person,
therefore, indicates the north; and the right hand indicates the
In Ezekiel 16:46, the KJV and ASV versions use the clauses
"thy left hand" and "thy right hand," whereas the NIV and NKJV
versions use "the north of you" and "the south of you." Biblically
speaking, the right hand is the hand of strength and blessing, but
the left hand usually indicates deception and treachery (Judges
When the Son of Man judges the nations, He will divide His sheep
from the goats. His sheep, the righteous, will be placed at His
right hand-- the place of honor. But He will set the goats, the
unrighteous, on His left hand-- the place of condemnation (Matthew
These Hebraic meanings are of great importance. We are not
wandering without any specific direction. Our faces are arrayed
towards the east, the Risen Son, the dawning of His glorious kingdom on earth when our
Creator returns and reigns as the King of kings and the LORD of
lords. And at His right hand are pleasures forevermore! (Psalm
Which is the most important gate in Jerusalem? The East Gate
which is also known as the Golden Gate. During the time of the First
Temple, the East Gate was the main entrance into the Temple area. It
was also the gate that Jesus entered on a humble donkey in His
triumphal entry.
The Bible proclaimed that Jesus would return and
enter Jerusalem through this gate. But it
was sealed since 1187 (please see picture below).
Afterward he brought me to the gate,
the gate that faces toward the east.
And behold, the glory of the God of Israel
came from the way of the east.
His voice was like the sound of many waters;
and the earth shone with His glory.
Ezekiel 43:1-2

If you are interested, please also read about
The East
Gate (The Golden Gate).
Nelson's Illustrated Bible Dictionary