Our journey in life is filled with many new beginnings
and new hopes.
Very often, before dreams come true, we may encounter nightmares.
The journey to the Promised Land is through the way of the wilderness for
The only way we can live a true victorious and resurrected life is to be
crucified with Christ on a daily basis. No crucifixion, no crown.
May every day of our life be a time when our faith for the Lord
grows stronger, our love for the Lord grows deeper and our
fellowship with the Lord grows sweeter!
As a token of appreciation to you for
visiting this website, and with a heart of
thanksgiving, I have compiled some good Christian multimedia dynamations to bless you and your family, especially your
children (remember to
turn on the music):
You may also be interested in some
ebooks and
worship videos.
Lastly, here is a special gift for you. A package of oldies, goodies
and favorites containing some Chinese, Hokkien, Cantonese, English,
Japanese, Christian and Christmas songs that I had sung over the
years in elderly homes, hospitals and churches. Please view the
videos at my YouTube channel @
Joshua Ong